GangstaBet is a collection of 5,555 unique Gangsters & Detectives on the ICON blockchain

Digital Collectible of the Future

GangstaBet is a digital collectible where people can evolve their characters for an eventual permanence on the ICON blockchain. Every character has a unique appearance, name and varying properties like classes & skills. GangstaBet takes a unique approach to distribute GangstaBetToken ($GBET) to its holders on a daily basis. The token can be used to change the name and skills of the GangstaBets. The supply of $GBET will decrease periodically and it will stop after 9 years.

As Gangstaverse grows, one day all of the 5,555 GangstaBets will be engraved in the blockchain with their character profiles for the future generations to behold.

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Gangsters & Detectives Stories

Stories are a collection of text that the owners can add to their GangstaBet NFTs. Along with names & skills, Stories will add a new dimension of uniqueness, desirability & expression for each individual character.

David JoelKatz Schwartz
RIPPLE - When a scrappy financial startup takes on a web of corruption and betrayal to bring instant payments to the masses, they learn that the cost of disrupting the status quo is higher than they could ever have imagined, forcing them to decide between their vision and their survival.
Mrs Linus 4
Mrs. Linus's mind pulsed with alien algorithms. Her once-human eyes glowed scanning for weakness. The empire she'd built crumbled replaced by cosmic ambition. She led the invasion her heart torn between loyalty and hunger for the stars. The alien infusion bestowed upon her visions of other worlds, uncharted territories ripe for conquest. She balanced on the edge of two identities, a ruler of shadows and an emissary of the void. Her strategies evolved, blending human cunning with alien intellect.
Schaduuuwtje 4
Schaduuuwtje zombie form quivered as alien ships blotted the sky. Their invasion rewired him flesh melding with extraterrestrial tech. Now he hunted his former prey craving human memories. The city trembled caught between two worlds. The alien enhancements amplified his predatory instincts turning him into a relentless hunter. His fragmented mind caught glimpses of the past blending with alien directives. The streets became a battleground humans versus an abomination born of both Earth and stars

Trading Collectibles Meet Blockchain:

GangstaBet was inspired by the classic gangster movies from the 90s, entailing a constant battle between gangsters and detectives. Each character tells a unique story about their life as they try to climb to the helm. From a Casino Worker to a Mob Boss, or a Junior Detective to a Chief Constable, GangstaBet writes their entire journey on the blockchain.

Unlike other collectibles, buyers have full ownership and control over their GangstaBet’s evolution. The skills of a GangstaBet can be increased by burning $GBET. As you increase your character’s skills, you will move up the ranks within the world of gangsters and detectives, with the ultimate goal of becoming a global Mob Leader or Chief Constable. As you move up the ranks, it will become increasingly difficult to reach the top of the game. In addition, buyers will be able to change the name of their GangstaBet. The names of every GangstaBet will be unique, which means that no two characters can ever share the same name.

As the supply of $GBET decreases over time, changing the name and skills will become a scarce commodity. This intrinsic rarity is crucial as GangstaBets with higher levels will start becoming more valuable. This will influence how the characters will evolve in 2030. The team at GangstaBet conceptualized the art but to complete this truly immersive digital collectible, the responsibility has been passed on to the participants.

GangstaBet Features

GangstaBets have three changeable properties. The owner of the NFT can change the name, increase the skills and/or add unique stories of the NFT, if you have enough $GBET tokens. Their ranks will also level up as you increase their skills.

  • User


    Every GangstaBet will have a unique name, so please choose the name wisely.

  • Grid

    Teams & Classes

    There are 5 classes for gangsters and 4 classes for detectives. The class will determine what type of skills they will have.

  • Codesandbox

    Skills & Ranks

    As you increase your GangstaBet’s skills, you will move up the 10 different ranks within the world of gangsters and detectives.

  • Codesandbox


    You can write a new story and/or add-on to the stories of the GangstaBet NFTs that you own.

Dotted Curve

Why GangstaBet?

GangstaBets are a part of the Gangstaverse, a collection of 5,555 uniquely designed NFT art with on-chain storage of images & properties. Each GangstaBet has been thoroughly designed to match the apparels worn during the golden days of gangsters in the 1920s. The names of GangstaBets can be changed, stories can be added and the skills and ranks can be upgraded using the exclusive GangstaBet token ($GBET). Lastly, being a part of the Gangstaverse, GangstaBets will have more utility in other projects within Gangstaverse in the future. Being their primary asset, as the GangstaVerse keeps expanding, their utilities keep growing.

Transparent and fair distribution of NFTs

Full ownership of the artwork rights

Changeable properties using $GBET

8-bit Gangsters & Detectives

How does it work?

GangstaBets are created as ICON’s Non-Fungible Token (NFT) standard, IRC-3 (similar to Ethereum’s ERC721). Each character is an animated GIF and stored in the IPFS. They ensure that the images are permanently stored in the blockchain, and there is no single point of failure to map the images to the metadata. We will make sure that GangstaBet will continue to remain in existence forever without our presence. All the characters were generated programmatically and were not initially indexed. While buying during the pre-sale, the on-chain algorithm randomly picked the NFTs for each address. This mechanism ensured that the distribution was completely fair and transparent.

During the genesis of the characters (on-chain), a class was randomly assigned to them based on a probability algorithm. The properties of the character are assigned based on the class. The names were empty and the skills were minimal at the start. Only the owners of the GangstaBet are able to increase their skills. During pre-sale, we provided additional $GBET that could be used to change their names & increase their skills.